Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mommies do yoga everyday!

This is a sequence/flyer I came up with for my moms day out gals. They came to the studio Friday night for a lovely two hour yoga workshop that ended with lively conversation and homemade chocolate chip cookies. Yummy. I did weave a little story into the sequence as I felt it was most appropriate. Enjoy....

1. Begin in mountain pose, standing tall and strong. Not even an explosive temper tantrum could knock you off course. Take 5 deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling through your nose.

2. Inhale and lift your arms overhead, take the palms together and tilt your head back. That temper tantrum continues and you lift your hands asking for strength and patience from above. Maybe an oreo cookie will do the trick.3. Exhale and fold forward, release your hands towards the ground. Imagine picking up crumbs from that cookie with your legs straight and spine lengthened.

4. Inhale and take a big step back with your right leg, you're in prime position for a sprint. A sprint to get those cookie crumbs to the garbage can. From there, onto the laundry room. Piles of clothes await you.

5. Release the right knee straight down to rest on the ground. Inhale and lift your arms overhead. You're lifting clean clothes from the dryer, your husband stands there graciously taking the clothes where he continues to fold. Of course you're smiling.

6. Bring the fingertips to the floor, step forward and balance on your left leg. This is where it gets tricky. You've just closed the dryer door with your back leg and you're balancing little Emma on your back, she wants to play after all.

7. Drop the right leg down to meet the left, standing forward fold. Little Emma lies on the floor and you tickle her tummy. That temper tantrum feels like it happened months ago. You realize you've been doing yoga for years. Return to mountain pose and repeat sequence with the left leg.

Sequence created by Sharon Tessandori. She doesn't have any children, but imagines this is what her yoga practice might be like if she did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is adorable! I love the story!