It's only 10:41 and I'm already having a pretty near perfect day. Maybe it was last night's sunset.....did you see it?? Gosh it was amazing. Amazing enough that I slammed on my brakes, pulled my car off the road a little too quickly and took some pictures. Sorry, haven't downloaded them just yet.
I got up early took a walk. I felt a hint of fall. It was cool enough that I had on long sleeves and didn't get hot once during my walk of 40 minutes. Then I was off to my yoga room for practice. Flipped open a great read, read a passage where my eyes landed, lit a new soy candle (that smells sooo good), did a 45 minute practice followed by 25 minutes of meditation. Had a piece of toast with peanut butter on the back deck. Thought briefly that the garden looks a mess and weeds need to be pulled. Decided that rather than bashing myself over something silly I'd continue with the near perfect day.
Came inside put Loretta Lynn's, Van Lear Rose in the cd player and took to cleaning the house. I love this cd. It always reminds me of the sweetness, the uniqueness and the complexities of my home. It all get's wrapped up into some pretty package, even though it's somewhat distorted. I washed, scrubbed,vacuumed, organized and it was during the process of folding that a song came on and I had to tear myself away from the laundry, run into the foyer and break out into a dance. This dance felt so very good that I had to put another cd on (Pink) and continue on with my dance party. So with heart rate up, a smile on my face, and a lightness in my heart I forge on with a day that's sure to be grand.
Have a beautiful weekend lovelies! Andy is graduating tomorrow with his Master's Degree in Education! It's been a long tough road, but he's all done. Yippy....Myself and the fam are all soooo very proud of this pe teacher. :-)
your day sounds lovely, congrats to Andy!
you got all that accomplished before I saw you??? you were up way too early. ;-) great to see you today. hugs.
Sweet! You are so cool!
Congrats to Andy!
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