Sunday, March 25, 2007


"The idea of Appalachia is elusive - is it a people, or a place? It's actually both and more, a mountain region of remarkable beauty inhabited by people whose past was formed by it's hills and hollows." -Raymond Bial, Mist Over The Mountains: Appalachia and Its People
I loved growing up in Appalachia. I'm from Vicco, KY...teeny tiny town. Population 318. I just checked online and the median household income is $13,235. And 99.7% of the people are white. Wow, it amazes me to see those numbers. Anyway, it wasn't until I left home, went to college and lived outside of Appalachia that I even realized there was this stereotype of Appalachia, and for me specifically, eastern Kentucky. Appalachians have been stereotyped as being backwards and hillbillies. Bet you've never heard that before ;-)
I've traveled to quite a few different places and I've still never witnessed anything that is quite as beautiful and unique as the places and people in Appalachia. So maybe I am a bit bias, I mean it is my home. But it is one on the most lovely regions full of storybook characters that are proud, loyal, self reliant, creative, and yes even intelligent. Yes, I'm proud to be a coal miner's daughter. Couldn't resist.


Anonymous said...

Great book!
I agree that there is something about the beauty of the people and mountains of Appalachia, that I haven't found elsewhere either.
See you tomorrow.

Amy said...

I also agree. There is such a richness to that part of the country and it lies in the people. (P.S. thank you for all the support:)

Sharon Tessandori said...

I'm glad you girls agree. It is a most wonderful place.