Tuesday, November 13, 2007

global warming diet

A friend of mine sent a link to this article today. Health experts list a few ways that you can cut calories AND cut carbon dioxide....at the same time. How? Instead of driving your car, how about walking or biking for half an hour instead. There's bound to be somewhere that you can walk or bike instead of driving. Andy and I walk to our local CVS and a few local restaurants, my friend Shelli rides her bike to her yoga studio, Leigh Ann walks to her job at UK, and my brother Joel walks everywhere in Whitesburg. Where can you walk to?
In addition to walking, you can cut calories and help save the planet by eating less red meat. If you can't imagine yourself going completely vegetarian, maybe you and your family could have "Meatless Mondays". If more people would do this is would make a HUGE difference. The CNN article states, "A diet shift away from heavy meat consumption would also go far because it takes much more energy and land to produce meat than fruits, vegetables and grains." Plus the average American man eats 1.6 times as much meat as the government recommends.
Saving your health and the planet at the same time, simply by making a few simple changes.

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