*The beautiful bouquet of flowers that I bought for myself.....just because.
*Cooking and celebrating with friends. And watching another very exciting game for the Cats! Dinner included shepherds pie, fried green tomatoes and raspberry mojitos. Yum! And Tony made delicious homemade chocolate chip and raisin cookies. It was indeed a night of indulgence.
*And a certain little gal turned 7 this weekend! A fun party honoring her and games outside in the yard with family made for a really great Sunday.
Check out the pre-wish/blowing out of candles!
The tiara was a last minute gift from me that turned out to be a big hit!
I hope that you too found some seven year old, tiara toutin', curious george lovin', summer salutin' excitement somewhere in your weekend. I imagine you did! ;-)
WELCOME FALL. I hope it brings all things festive and fabulous.
Those photos are priceless!! I was talking with my mom this weekend about the need for adults to embrace more play and be in the moment, and how watching children is one of the best ways to see that in action. They're so present and so full of life and fun! And these pictures really capture that. Thanks for sharing.
Flowers just for you, just because. How wonderful.
And fried green tomatoes and shepherd's pie is one of my favorites. the ultimate comfort food.
Happy fall to you.
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