Monday, August 20, 2007

a yoga break

A got an email from a student requesting some suggestions for a short sequence to do during her workday. It seems that she has been terrible busy at work. I think that we can all use a yoga break throughout our day. A little yoga break will leave you feeling refreshed and will help carry you through the rest of your day. Here is what I shared with her:
Start by practicing kapalabhati, a great energizing breathing technique. If you decide to give it a go, be sure to practice on an empty stomach.
I recommended that she practice standing and back bending poses since she spends most of her time seated (and probably slumping at times) at a desk. This is the sequence. Start by leading with the right leg.
Repeat with left leg
Cobra Pose (2x, 5-8 breaths each)
Saddle or Half Saddle Pose
For those of us that may not have the space (or privacy) for such poses, click here to view the office yoga sequence I came up with. It's a great sequence you can do right at your desk.
I also pointed out that it's really important to take a moment and really tune into your body. Our bodies are always speaking to us. It's just a matter of listening. Sometimes we may just need to do some head and shoulder rolls to combat the stress that we store in the shoulders. Other times we may need to close the eyes and take some slow deep breaths, silently counting to 4 with the inhales and exhales. This deep breathing can leave you feeling calm and relaxed.
I hope this yoga break finds you well this Monday.

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