Thursday, August 16, 2007

fave and not so fave

Please play along...what is your current favorite loved yoga pose, and your least favorite yoga pose. You know the ones we practice in class and your heart either smiles or it feels like a knife soon to be stabbed through your heart (so this is a bit of an exaggeration, or I hope so ;-) And I say "current" because it probably changes from time to time. I know that mine do.

My favorite pose these days is headstand. I love the way inversions make me feel. Even if I've had a crappy day, you know one of those days where things just continue to go wrong? Headstand can almost make it all better. That and some chocolate. I just find it a great thrill to be 30 years old and flip myself upside down and stand on my head or hands. Really, who else other than yogi's and gymnasts do this? I think it's fabulous!
My least favorite is purvottanasana, or reverse plank. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I feel terribly tight in my shoulders or maybe it's because I can't get my feet to press all the way in the floor. In fact, you can probably tell that I don't like it, I never teach it. I take that back, I did teach it Thursday. After asking students what their favorite and least favorite poses were. Sam said this was his. So I had to teach it (if you're reading this, thanks Sam). All joking aside, the poses that we dread the most are the poses that we should be doing most often. So I'm making a commitment, I'm going to practice reverse plank every day next week. Yes, that's right. And I'll be teaching it in class next week so all of you can experience the joys of it.

1 comment:

Dr. Leigh Ann Simmons said...

fave pose = eka pada rajakapotasana (aka pigeon)
least fave pose = paschimotanasana (aka seated forward fold)