Monday, September 13, 2010

weekend ramblings of wishes, teachings, webinars, collages, and the blog post that set my soul afire...

Happy Monday!! This day is off to a beautiful start. Woke at 6:30 and studied ayurveda for 1.5 hours. Laced up my shoes and went out for 30 minute run/walk, enjoyed 30 more minutes of yoga, solo chanting/singing/yoga yelling, brief meditation, then journaled about a fabulous idea for a future retreat that came to me while running (yippy!!). I had quite a bit of honeydew left from the par-tee on Friday night so I made a green smoothie with it (honeydew, spinach, and water) and had a nutritious breakfast. I made it more dosha friendly for me by making it more thin and soupy and used water that was room temperature.

I had a really great weekend. We had our fourth anniversary celebration Saturday with white balloons, pretty flowers, yummy food (and cupcakes too!) and made complete with great acoustic music by Harmony Gullette, henna by Jamie, and a sweet lil wishing well. It was an invitation for students to write what they were grateful for as far as BW's and make a wish of their own.

I loved that Andy wrote "family" for the studio. Even though he doesn't take class very often, he knows that's what it feels like, what it is. Community was also written, and I think that's the same as family. Other words included healing, love, peace, abundance, magic, tranquility, and so on. It's so sweet. If you didn't get to attend the party, please write on your rock this week at the studio. That will make me a happy happy gal. :)

Jamie also worked her henna magic. The yogis always crown around her, look at designs, and patiently wait their turn. This time I asked Jamie to paint "wish words" and she obliged and went along with the theme love. We have a Sanskrit book at the studio and Anne Dean was brilliant (she was also dazzling when she taught her first class at the studio on Saturday) when she suggested Jamie use it to paint the Sanskrit words.

Yoginis had lovely words such as anjali mudra, vishudda, anahata, om, and so on painted on. I had Kali painted on me (the word, not the image although Jamie suggested we some day paint her on and I think that's a fabulous idea), cause I want to own my power and kick some yoga ass as needed. And stick my tongue while doing so.
**this is the equivalent as two other yoginis (names with held) who wrote "balls" and "joan" on their rocks for themselves**

We've added another awesome teacher to our roster too. Anne Dean will be rotating with me every other Saturday. She taught a great class Saturday morning with a heart centered (anahata) them. She finished and we applauded. Yep, she rocked it. Students said to me after class, "Wow she is a grrreat teacher." And she is. Do come see for yourself.

Yesterday I spent seven hours (yep seven) on a marketing webinar. And guess what? I totally loved it! Loved the approach, the information, and the collaboration. People from all over joining together. Ahhh technology you can really rock it. I'll be back in webinar heaven for sever more hours next Sunday.

I did however take time last night to make the collage you see above of amazingly powerful, beautiful, and inspiring women. You cant see but on the opposite page is a printout of this blog post by Danielle Laporte titled the initiated woman that totally set my soul afire.

This Saturday and next Saturday I'll be teaching an Introduction to Ayurveda workshop. This Saturday at Om Place in Winchester. Sorry folks it's all sold out at 30 students. I think it has more to do with Erin being a yoga rock star than me (Erin if you are reading, I will someday get you a shirt).

Next Saturday (Sept 25) I'm teaching at the studio from 1:00-4:00. Apparently I put October 25 in the newsletter. Oops, I was a month off.

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