Wednesday, October 08, 2008

the economy and yoga

Within five minutes today I had two yogi's mention to me their anxiety over our nation's finances. I had already planned to lead a guided "ocean of abundance" meditation in the yin yoga class. This could do us all good considering the dark clouded thought of an economic meltdown. Shall we look at this with a yogic perspective?Let's first look at an attitude of scarcity vs. abundance.

Definitions of scarce include....Insufficient to meet a demand or requirement; short in supply
2. Hard to find; absent or rare

Definitions of abundance include..Occurring in or marked by abundance; plentiful.
2. Abounding with; rich

Just close your eyes, says the words to yourself and notice how each one makes you feel. It's my guess that "scarce" makes you a bit more tense. You might be able to feel yourself contracting and curling up. It conjures up feeling and thoughts that are not pleasant nor comfortable. Abundant on the other hand might make you feel more spacious and light. More happy and free. It conjures of feelings of joy, wellness and airiness.

Given the choice (and luckily you have that) which do you choose? Even now during potential times of trouble and change?

Here's how to take care of your "whole" self when you feel an economic meltdown coming on. Let's imagine that you're paying all your biggest bills and you see that your fave show is interrupted to inform you of the latest financial disaster, which of course throws you over the edge.

1. Stop what you're doing. Close your eyes and simply breathe. Pay attention to what's going on with your body. Allow your face to relax, soften through your shoulders. Focus on softness and space in your body. You might use your inhalation to lift and lengthen through your spine. With the exhalation feel your feet rooted to the earth.
2. Bring your hands together in a prayer position. Open your palms, pressing the outer edge of the hands and pinkie fingers together. Stretch your arms a little forward. It's almost as if you are offering a gift to someone. Visualize yourself standing at the edge of the ocean. This is literally an ocean of abundance. There is enough for you. And for me. There is enough for all of us. You see that this great big ocean can support all of us. Feel the unlimited supply.
*The idea is to engage your mind in some way. If this is "too out there" for you then write in a journal, recite an affirmation, or make a list of all you have in your life.
3. Close your ideas and allow your awareness just to rest in your heart center. Be quiet and still. Breathe. Read something that inspires and lifts you up. Do something that reminds you that you are more than money, more than worries and stress. Find a way to connect to your spirit and your purpose.

The truth is that we can do very little about the stock market, the housing crisis, and our nation's debt. What we can change are our habits and thoughts. Will this work make a difference or not? I don't' know. I do know that I choose to remain positive and optimistic. No I will not dig my head deep into the sand and refuse to believe what "could" happen. I will reevaluate how I'm spending my money. Should I be terribly wrong and things go straight down the drain at least I've had a few more months of happiness and health.

How about you....what are your thoughts? Are you being affected by the financial woes?

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