Sunday, July 08, 2007

How could it possibly be July 8?! This week, this year, is just blowing right on by! And I'm terribly busy. It's been kinda funny. This is my first summer owning the yoga studio and I just figured that this would be my slow time. That's the trend for yoga (and many other businesses). During the summer months people are out playing, gardening, traveling, and just generally enjoying the sunshine and the long days. But things haven't really slowed down at the studio (which is awesome, might I add) and I've picked up more teaching time with private yoga sessions. Combine that with planning my first ever international yoga retreat, 200 hour teacher training, marketing the studio, doing day to day book-keeping at the studio, and teaching yoga close to 20 hours a week, and well....I've been busy. Does it sound like I'm complaining? I hope not! It's a great feeling being busy and doing something that you've created and something that you love and feel passionate about. It really makes a HUGE difference! So that's why blogging time has been minimal here lately.
If you're up for some celebrity smut...check out Eva Longori'a wedding details from yesterday. Yes, I'm one of those. The secret is out. Now you know. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DH! You too!!! I love it! Thanks for the link about the wedding. Much better details that the paper. Now we need to see both of her dresses and the dress she wore for the reception (I'm guessing she changed for the party).
Also, best wishes with all you have in the works right now. I didn't realize for a long time that Barefoot Works was in its first year. You have really done a great job! Know you have to be so excited about the retreat.
Take care, see you this week.