Wednesday, November 09, 2011

love letter to autumn in KY

Dear Autumn in Kentucky,

Thanks to you I've fallen in love with this great state all over again. You have provided a feast for my eyes each and every day since I returned home from Tulum and yoga teacher training.

Returning home from Tulum is usually really hard for me. Time in Tulum is the best medicine for my heart and soul. Upon returning home I am prone to emotional outbursts and general symptoms of crankiness and occasional brattiness. Not pretty. But true.

This fall season, as in the one I've gotten to revel in over the past week is simply beyond words.

Every day I see a new tree standing, donning the most amazing of colors. I try to capture the magic by snapping a photo. I find your beauty cannot be totally caught nor replicated in any picture.

I find myself doing things more slowly so I can enjoy you more fully. Driving and walking I look around in amazement. Amazed by the bluest of skies. Amazed by the colors I see, shades of orange, red, yellow, gold, and green. You are making it easy for me to walk slowly and savor the sights.

I've been amazed by the naked tree proudly standing, baring it's bones, it's limbs that grow in all directions. It stands next to the dazzling tree donning bright red leaves. Each equal seekers of light. Reminding me that beauty comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. Each deserving of the goodness that comes from simply being a participant in this earth party.

You, KY autumn have been the exact thing I needed in returning home. You have been medicine for my heart and soul. I love you as far as the moon and stars. I love you as close as the leaves of the trees in my yard I can touch.


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