I just finished all of my materials for the retreat to Mexico! Yay, so happy! Now all I've gotta do is get them copied and stuffed into the folders for retreatees. This year's theme is "Journey into Bliss" and we'll be working through the koshas.
Yoga classes feel so divine for a reason. The reason being that we are much more than a body. Much more than mind. The practice of yoga lets us touch on the other aspects or layers of oneself.
Essentially they are
They start at the outermost level (physical) and work more inward (to spirit). Each day we'll start with a short talk about the kosha of the day, have a practice geared to this kosha, and in the handouts retreatees will have notes about ways to explore and bring the kosha into balance. I've also got a list of journaling inquiries for each kosha.
Hoping this will give enough form to learn about the koshas in a group setting and also freedom for those wanting to explore the koshas in greater depth. That's all for now. Don't want to give too much away since some of you reading will be attending. But there will be a few surprises.
Must go now and get to packing. One exciting thing from the weekend was finding the perfect bathing suit that I was looking for. Andy and I were in Owensboro this weekend. I always love going cause Andy's mom has every magazine under the sun. And well....I'm a sucker for mags. I was looking through Health and flipped to the section for bathing suits. You know the bit, "find the perfect suite for you."
I browsed through and saw a really sweet one piece. I looked at the brand (Caribbean Joe) and the price ($75) and thought...."that would be perfect!".
But knew I didn't have time to order and was only hoping this late in the game that I'd find a new bathing suit period.
BUT I went shopping with Andy's mom. We went to TJ Maxx first. I went straight to the bathing suits...flipping through the racks....then coming straight to the exact bating suit I just saw in Health magazine. I tried it on. Purchased it for only $19. And walked out a super happy camper. :) Still can't believe it!
**Pic is of my brother and sis, her first flight to Mexico last January. Next up is my mama and her first flight! Love being a part of it.**
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