All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France
I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of teaching in the current cozy ( I prefer this to "small") studio! I've got my list of to-dos, Andy is taking the day off, and others have been sweet enough to offer assistance.
If you can come out today or tomorrow for one final class at our current studio then you totally should. This is both an exciting and bittersweet move. I'm excited about the change, the growth, and the possibilities that await us in the new space. At the same time, I've grown to love this current space.....leaky ceiling and chilly place that it is at times. I've put much love into this space and I'll be leaving it behind to embark on a new studio journey. All in all, I'm ready for the change and the uncertainty that comes along. Nothing quite like change to shake things up once again!
~The pic is where I had a lovely massage in the jungle of Tulum. Nothing like getting back to nature.....and getting a magical massage at the same time!! Check the spa out here.
Ah... there's something very special about your 'first'
Yes, I agree. :-)
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