Monday, March 10, 2008

the heart

"What the heart knows today, the head will understand tomorrow." James Stephens

Hi Friends! It's been a while since I've posted on the blog, and I find that I miss it (and you) when I've been away. The last week I've had some funny, insightful, weird and entertaining times. From the call from a local reporter asking me if I could refer her to a place where nude yoga was practiced (Here in Lexington, I inquired!!?) and the waiter at Johnny Carino's trying to convince me that the minestrone soup was vegetarian even though it's made with beef broth (Oh no, sweety you're thinking of veganism). It was all a little comical.

And after agonizing about the snow on most of the day Friday, I decided to cancel teacher training and make my way in the box-mobile to Owensboro where my sister-in-law was visiting with a sweet little baby boy. Andy was already there. I had sent him off in a frenzy earlier in the day, scared that if I made him wait too long he would miss out on seeing his sister that he only sees a couple times a year. What started out as a crazy weekend, ended with me feeling quite blessed and happy to live the life that I do.

I also had an amazing massage today. I went in for the dull ache I've been feeling in my low back and walked away feeling much more clear and awakened. Today, I'm once again reminded of my heart. All that it does. All that it endures. All that it is. And all that it allows me to be. Today I'm challenging myself to live deeply in the space and to make decisions that resonate most truly and most authentically with my heart.

That's what's going on in my world. What about yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My "snow day" was interesting too!
Glad yours turned out good!
When is that nude class starting? Want to make sure I don't have it on my schedule!
Glad you are "taking the path with the heart"! I'll tell you where that phrase comes from sometime, it is near and dear to my heart.