Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the things I learn...

when I simply ask.

Today at my 4:30 class I asked my students (as I do regularly), "Any poses you'd love to practice?" And like many times, they sat and looked at me with kind sweet eyes, and closed mouths.

So I asked them, "why is it that no one really speaks up at this point?" Everyone is so quiet when I ask "that question". And I know you're not a quiet bunch. I overhear your conversations before class. (As a sidenote, the chatter makes me happy.)

Guess what?! I got answers. Larry G. told me that he usually doesn't request because he thinks that the kind yogis behind him might give him the evil eye or silently curese him for requesting "such a pose". OK, so not his exact words, but something like it.

Debbie C. said she doesn't request cause sure enough once she's in the pose and feeling a little lite torture, she'll curse herself for choosing "such a pose".

Seems to me a lot of you are concerned with cursing yourself or cursing the student that requested "such a pose".

Nancy B said she doesn't request cause she assumed that at some point, we'll get to "it" during class. I like that one. It doesn't involve anyone cursing anybody. Including me.

As a teacher I had assumed (yes I know what that makes you and me....clearly it's correct), that it was because students don't want to speak up or speak out. Or perhaps there was the feeling of not wanting to think, and only wanting to be taught.

Seems I was mostly (ok completely) wrong. And leaves me wondering what else I might learn, if only I ask. Hmmmmm......


Sarah said...

Ha! That's so interesting - thanks for posting, and thanks to Debbie, Larry and Nancy for such honest answers :)

TinaBeresh said...

Here's to the teachers who never ask ... but who know who their regulars are--not me, of course--and throw in a few curveball poses that never fail to keep me surprised and on a string.

Vinyasa is one grab bag - you rarely get the same class twice!