I remember my first yoga class, or what I consider my first "real" yoga class. The timing was right. Something in the universe was propelling me in the direction of a yoga mat. That much I am certain of. I did something I wasn't doing a whole lot at that time.....I listened.
I made the call to make a reservation. I like many who frequent the studio for the first time had no clue exactly how all this yoga stuff worked. Sure I was fit. I had been going to the local YMCA for a couple years. But one never really knows exactly what happens inside the doors of a yoga studio.
Crazy thoughts ran their course through my mind....
Will I have to chant things I wont understand?
Will I look silly trying to contort my body in ways it will not want to go?
Will I be the only newbie? Or will there be others like me?
At the studio I was greeted by a nice gal and surprise....I was surrounded by many other people just like me! Imagine that.
All new people at this studio were required to attend a free introduction to yoga class. It was actually a lecture/discussion and a chance for us to ask questions. Like, will I have to chant things I don't understand?
I was convinced and signed on. I attended my first yoga class that same night.
And you know what? I don't recall a single thing that we practiced. Not even one. I am sure there were some triangles and tree poses. But that's not what stands out in my mind.
The memory that I most vividly recall was how connected I felt to my body, my breath. I experienced a certain amount of acceptance. Of everything. All of a sudden this little yoga mat became a safe place that I could bring my confusion, pain, and fear. As well as my hopes, dreams, and joys.
I felt a great love affair from this very first class. Yoga did for me what kickboxing, spinning, aerobics, and running on a treadmill could never do. Yoga guided me to a place of stillness and awe where I could listen, learn, and fall in love with my body, breath and soul.
I just realized today that I've now been teaching yoga longer than I worked at my "real day job" post graduate school. That is a very cool feeling. I'm going on five years of teaching. And the love affair continues.
PS - I'll be away being a student of yoga till next Wednesday. Very excited to be away learning Yoga Anatomy with Judith Lasater. I'll be communicating via Twitter. Join me here.
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