Thursday, June 21, 2007

abundance or scarcity?

I got to be a part of a really wonderful tele-conference call yesterday, sponsored by the folks at Green Yoga. This call was part of the green yoga pilot program and the topic was operating your studio from a feeling of ABUNDANCE or scarcity. It was so great and applicable for all people. Toi Lynn the facilitator, was kind enough to send some notes on the call and agreed to let me share them here. Enjoy!
Abundance - The concept that there is enough - time, resources, support, energy …..Really connected to the underlying subconscious beliefs "I am enough." and "The world is enough". This versus Scarcity - There is not enough. "I am not enough." "The world is not enough"Example - we all know there is enough food for everyone - but politics, the practice of "who gets the cookies", is a scarcity model. I have to grab it all because there is not enough. Why talk about this in terms of greening? If we approach the running of the studios from the perspective of abundance, that there is enough if we access it all ethically and hold the belief that we are ALL worthy of an abundant life, then decisions come from a very different place.
Think about this globally - think in terms of all the political conflict out there- regional, religious, ethnic … all this conflict is about the belief there is not enough supply. Another example pertaining to the environment - the destruction of our planet comes from this belief "there is not enough." The companies who do the big polluting do so from the belief that if we line our pockets with money, then life is good, and a lack of money is bad. You know these oil and chemical companies that pollute and dump do so because they are scared of giving up control and resources and Power that they have collected. There are not enough cookies, so I need to grab all I can get. Fear based, short term perspective.
What we think manifests around us -
You can think in terms of simple common sense that when we think a certain way, we then consciously or unconsciously take actions from those thoughts. I.E: : I don't' have enough time - period - and as a result we don't have enough time. Isn't that interesting how that works? Turn that around - I myself don't have the time but others have it and can share it with me.

Sentence Completion - So, from that belief - how we think impacts everything, let's look at our own personal beliefs. Complete the following sentences:

Something I learned about abundance from my family is:
A fear that I had about abundance was:
A belief that I held that sabotaged me having an abundant life was:
A belief that I held that sabotaged me having an abundant business was:
I now choose to have the belief:

Now, visualize an abundant life. See it rich and full.

Some helpful ideas:
Approach each day with gratitude. Before you set your feet on the floor from your bed, think of a few things for which you are grateful. If you need more juice for your day, sit down and journal it out. And then vision it! See the different parts of your life abundant. If you need to write it down, do it. There is an abundance of time to vision. :)
Incorporate gratitude into all you do. Your interactions, your job, your philosophy, your life.

Some wonderful affirmations folks have come up with over the years:
There is an abundance of time for me to live my life fully.
I am completely worthy of an abundant life.
There is an abundance of love out there accessible to me at all times.
I am completely worthy of that love out there.
I release the thought that I am alone or have to do it by myself. I am surrounded by support wanting to support me.
I forgive myself completely for thinking I am not enough. The truth is I am divine enough, right now.
My abundance helps others become abundant.
My happiness helps others become happy.
My self care helps others care for themselves.
I release the thought that life has to be hard to be worth it, or that I have to struggle to make things happen. The truth I can choose ease. I can let it be easy.
My having money or financial security provides me the resources to help others.

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