Wednesday, April 11, 2012

this much I do remember

Then all of the moments of the past
began to line up behind that moment
and all of the moments to come
assembled in front of it in a long row,
giving me reason to believe
that this was a moment I had rescued
from millions that rush out of sight
into a darkness behind the eyes.

Even after I have forgotten what year it is,
my middle name,
and the meaning of money,
I will still carry in my pocket
the small coin of that moment,
minted in the kingdom
that we pace through every day.

~Billy Collins

1 comment:

Mia (Savor Everyday) said...

"this was a moment I had rescued
from millions that rush out of sight
into a darkness behind the eyes"

Beautiful, beautiful words.

And what a beautiful, beautiful photo of you! The light is amazing - it's shining on you, and yet you are lit from within. "Sunlit Sharon" :)