Tuesday, February 01, 2011

my intentions for 2011

I felt like posting my intentions for this year was a proper way to send off our Month of Intention at the studio and welcome the Month of Attention.

I've been working thoughout the month on my list. Working through the same lists that I provided last month, those areas of physical, mental/emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Between the four lists I have over 50 intentions.

Seems like a lot of intentions, eh? That's why I've been spending time refining them. The more I went back and looked over the lists I saw some overlapping, and some themes. With this information I was able to see what is really important to me this year which is:

1. Nourishing relationships
2. Giving back
3. Growing Barefoot Works community
4. Developing/expanding healthy habits
5. Challenging myself in new ways

I've already shared that my theme of the year is Sacred Courage. I want to totally give myself permission to be brave in life. To be the most Me that I can possibly be.

As I looked back over my lists of the four areas and realized the overlapping, I assigned a word for each list. For I am truly a lover of the word. Here are a few things I'm really focusing on from each list along with the theme word:

Physical = Nourish
*grow a veggie garden
*cleanse each season
*take Ayurveda or vegetarian cooking classes
*dance dance dance
*buy a pink bike and ride on the legend trail

Mental/Emotional = Discipline
*complete Ayurveda course
*use the 12 themes at the studio in a practical, fun, and inspiring way
*full ytt in Tulum this fall
*become more of a "numbers gal", meaning budgeting
*study with Seane Corn
*write a book
*create Ayurveda program to teach

Intellectual = Trust
*gather stories from family
*take more photos
*read poetry
*seek out kirtan/yoga yelling
*dive deeper into my purpose
*study yoga sutras

Spiritual = Explore
*day and weekend trips around KY with Andy, Liz and Tony
*camping with the family
*Off the Mat, Into the World with Seane Corn
*develop lil home ritual with Andy
*go on 2-4 weekend silent retreats

So there we have it. I now have some things to focus on, to place my attention on!

PS - Two yoga buds emailed me pics of their vision boards. So pretty, so inpsiring to see. I love the inclusion of the Mexico yoga retreat. Yay!! And look at this sweet sacred spot below.

1 comment:

Mia (Savor Everyday) said...

Aw thank you Sharon for posting my vision board here! Love the other board too... and that neat little yoga sanctuary :)