Thursday, November 05, 2009

and we danced

"There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them." ~Vicki Baum

Today has been a very good day. Taught a couple of really satisfying classes. Had a very satisfying practice on my own.

Met with two great candidates for the upcoming yoga teacher training. Met with Teresa about said upcoming teacher training. Had a private yoga session with my sis Rhonda, and nieces Brooke and Lexie.

Sarah came in for our meeting (in which I learn Sarah is a "data dork", but I'm choosing to call her the numbers goddess) just as we were wrapping up our session with a lil dance party. Song for the day was "I Got A Feeling"....WooHoo....Was so happy to have Sarah present for the dance par-tay.

Sadly, no pics but there was lots of hopping, twirling, swaying, and dancing to be done.

Yep loved the studio a little bit more today. And celebrated her with dancing,laughing, positive talks, mudras, breathing, poses, and general good-ness.

**I leave for Mexico on Saturday!!** Happy hoppy Sharon!!

**And don't you just love this pic?! Love those teachers!**

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