Thursday, July 31, 2008


These days I feel so happy, so blessed, and so very grateful to be living the life I live. Is my life perfect? Uhhhh, no. And what does that really mean anyway? Since my return from Maya Tulum everything is just jiving really well in an interesting and different sorta way. You see, now more so than every before I believe in the good of myself, the good of others.

I'm in this place with my personal yoga practice that just makes me melt every time I step on my yoga mat. I'm once again amazed at the power of my body, the power of my breath, the power of my mind....the power of this awesome practice called yoga. It feels really freakin' good. :-)

And let me just say that I appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey for Barefoot Works and I am completely blown away by all the kind things you have to say about the studio, the teachers, and myself. I actually called my yogini gal pal up yesterday to read her a couple of comments. My reaction was, "Shelli, they really get it. AND they love coming to the studio. It feels like a second home to them! Can you believe that?" And she says, "yes, of course." I find myself still working on that whole bit about being able to accept compliments. It's easy for me to make light of it, or just brush it off.

So thank you.
And you.
And you for being so open to my studio and my teachings.
Thank you for being so easy to teach, to share with, and to like.
I'm honored that this "place" feels like a second home to you.
Thank you for sharing and speaking your love of Barefoot Works.
Thank you for allowing me to share what I love.

Yes, I'm feeling quite happy.
Quite blessed.
And very very grateful. :-)

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