Tuesday, September 11, 2012

why yoga teachers love love love trainings!

Please enjoy this guest post (including pictures!) from Sarah Bowker, beloved teacher at Barefoot Works.
“The land of healing lies within, radiant with the happiness that is blindly sought in a thousand outer directions.” ~Swami Vivekananda

I am still on a high after spending the past weekend in the yoga treehouse immersed in a Yapana training called Structural Assessment!

We hosted another Yapana teacher training from Leeann Carey Yoga.  This time, the focus was on how to assess a person’s body structure.  Once you know how someone’s “insides” work, then it becomes easy to apply yoga poses and stretches to therapeutically address their unique needs.

Chrys Kub was our teacher, and she was every bit as knowledgeable about the topic as Leeann and Jules have been with their teaching.  I simply love her personality.  She is upbeat, fun, and you can just feel and see how much she loves to teach yoga therapy.
One special treat was the two (yes, two!) Yapana classes Chrys taught.  We had a lovely Saturday morning practice with the Barefoot Works yogis and yoginis while the rain softly fell outside.  And a 15 minute Savasana.  
Ohh, how nice to have a 15 minute Savasana!
Our Sunday class was nearly three hours long.  Three fantastic hours of an upper body focused practice…
There are so many things I will take away from this training…we learned a ton of neat arm stretches, more ways to incorporate props into the practice to create joint mobility, and so much else.  I look forward to incorporating some of Chrys’ wisdom in my classes!

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