Sunday, December 11, 2011

bringin' on the yoga

Hola Amigas!

Happy Sunday to all of you. I've only got a few short minutes here (I'm packing for a trip to CA tomorrow!) but we've got too much goodness going on at the studio for me not to take a minute here.

First off, I'm reeling from a fabulous weekend with Leeann Carey and the awesome yoginis I was surrounded by this weekend. Loved. Every. Moment.

Warrior II pinned to the wall with Leeann pressing into my legs and lovingly yanking on a strap all at the same time. Wowsers, that was something every yogi needs to experience. A good pain I tell ya. :) Seriously, all of you need to run to the studio the next time she comes back. Of course I couldn't let her get away without a "so when are you coming back to KY?".

Pure joy being on my yoga mat for three whole days immersed in the yoga love.

All of you should hop on over NOW and sign up for Sarah's restorative workshop scheduled for this Friday. For real, you are in for a real treat as you're getting her fresh from this inspiring weekend in which we explored lots of restorative yoga. That's Leeann assisting my pal Jen above. Cool, right?

AND did you here, I'm giving away a totally FREE yoga retreat to Shakertown. Yep, it's true.

I'm feeling the desire to give back, as I've been given so much from all of you. I am offering a 100% scholarship to one lucky yogi for our upcoming retreat to Shakertown. You can get the full scoop here:

To enter, send me an email at with "new year retreat" in the subject. Tell me three things:

1. What your yoga practice means to you.

2. How coming to classes at Barefoot Works has enriched your life.

3. Why you would like to come to the retreat.

Pretty simple, right?! Please send me your email before December 15 to enter. I hope you'll take advantage of the sweet deal.

We still have two, maybe three spots open for the Shakertown retreat if you're interested in kicking off your new year in yoga style.

Also, it is my hope to serve all of you better than ever next year. In order to surpass all of your yoga dreams I need your input. Please take three minutes to complete a five question survey. Enter your name in the last question for a chance to win five yoga classes. Another sweet deal.

Click here for that link:

So please go, go, go and let me know how we can make you uber happy yogis in the coming year. It's gonna be a good one.

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