Monday, August 24, 2009

mondo beyondo baby

That's the name of the e-course that I'm taking that just started today. Well's Mondo Beyondo (don't you love it?). It's and online class completely dedicated to dreaming BIG. Yep, my kinda class.

I just returned from a walk trying to recall how exactly I found Andrea (of Superhero Designs). Then it came to me, she was in Sark's book "Make Your Creative Dreams Real", which to me was opening the studio and creating a yoga community.

In the years that I've read Andrea's blog, I've probably left a handful of comments but to say that she has inspired me with her words would be an understatement.

When I was debating (and my web gal at that time was trying to convince me not to place my blog on a highly visible area of my website), I thought back to some random post of Andrea's and how she too had dealt with the dilemma of how much one should share on a "business" blog.

Ultimately I decided that I had already hidden in life more than I preferred. I knew that to experience growth, finding my voice and sharing my truth was what I needed to do. And I figured that a blog was a means to do just that. The early days of blogging (and at times now) it's a struggle or a challenge to be open and honest. Fear and judgement creeps in. Mostly I try to wave at the fear (and on a brave day I wink) and keep going.

I've witnessed magical things happening in my life. Call it work, call it luck, call it manifesting, call it what you may....I believe in the power of our dreams. Mine. And yours.

Over the next five weeks I'll be spending time thinking in mondo beyondo terms, "making room for my unspoken wishes to become a dream come true." It doesn't matter how outrageous, outlandish, ridiculous or daring the dream. And really, does the universe know any different? I don't know, but I'll keep you posted. ;)

PS - Pic of me, in my wedding dress, over five years ago. It was a gift to Andy for our three year wedding anniversary, and just before we ditched the jobs, sold the house in TX, and made our way back to KY. This pic sums up how I feel today.

PSS - Feel free to make your own mondo beyondo list and share here if you'd like!


Jen said...

I love that picture of you, Sharon! My mondo beyondo idea right now is learning how to surf (taking lessons this week in Carolina Beach -- yay!) and figuring out how to weave in my love for all things beach with my landlocked existence in Ohio. I can't wait to hear more about your class!

Sharon Tessandori said...

Hmmm, we share a mondo beyondo dream! Except I'm pretty specific with wanting to weave more of Mexico into my landlocked existence in KY. ;)

Surf lessons...sounds like such a dream-ey thing to be doing!

Jeanne said...

Awesome post!! I've wondered about the amount of separation between business and personal -- even in such a personal business as BW. As usual, you inspire me!!

My mondo beyondo is finishing off my new studio space.

Crystal said...

A little late in checking out this site but it looks really interesting Sharon. How is it going?