Sunday, December 31, 2006

Delight & Surprise

I came across this great star necklace the day after Thanksgiving. It was a perfect day....brisk air and the brightest blue sky. I grabbed my camera opting to head downtown into Nicholasville instead of my usual journey into the countryside. I happily snapped pictures of old buildings, revitalized buildings, Victorian homes and more. I made my way to a beautiful old Catholic Church built with stone. And it's small and quaint, which I love.
I was taking pictures of a small garden and some pretty statues when something caught my eye. There was the faintest of a flicker, something hanging in one of the bushes. That's when I discovered this gold necklace of stars hanging there. It just tickled me pink to find this in such an unexpected place. And of course, I stood there thinking of all these fabulous stories about how it got there, how long it had been there, and whom the necklace belonged to at one time. It occurred to me that at any given time, on any given day, we can all find something within our day to surprise and delight. We just have to keep our eyes and our hearts open to it. I'm setting my intention to discover delight and surprise throughout the days and months of 2007. What's your intention?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find, reading, your "writings" to be very inspiring.