Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Adventurous little gal

"How much of the world had I missed while living in my head?
If each cell in our bodies is an outpost of our brains, what might I have learned?
I'll never know who that adventurous little girl might have become.
But at least I know that she's still there-
Waiting to enter the present." Gloria Steinem

I am still very childlike in many ways and I love that I embody the spirit of "that adventurous little girl" at times. Whether it's pulling off the side of the road or trespassing on someone's property (very harmless ;-) to get the perfect photo, attempting to hurl myself forward from downward facing dog to headstand, jammin' down the street with my windows down singing to Fergie's latest tunes, or dancing up a storm with my nieces (in the photo) in the entryway of my house, also known as the "dancefloor". I definitely have the ability to put adult responsibilities aside and live freely.

*I just looove this picture. I took it this past Saturday at my house. I asked the girls to pucker up and show some love for the camera. Their expressions crack me up everytime I look at it. And I love the pretty tree in the background.

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