Wednesday, October 31, 2012

thank you beautiful people

Of Love 

I have been in love more times than one,
thank the Lord. Sometimes it was lasting
whether active or not. Sometimes
it was all but ephemeral, maybe only
an afternoon, but not less real for that.

They stay in my mind, these beautiful people,
or anyway beautiful people to me, of which
there are so many.

You, and you, and you,
whom I had the fortune to meet, or maybe

Love, love, love, it was the
core of my life, from which, of course, comes
the word for the heart. And, oh, have I mentioned
that some of them were men and some were women
and some — now carry my revelation with you —
were trees. Or places. Or music flying above
the names of their makers. Or clouds, or the sun
which was the first, and the best, the most
loyal for certain, who looked so faithfully into
my eyes, every morning.

So I imagine
such love of the world — its fervency, its shining, its
innocence and hunger to give of itself — I imagine
this is how it began.
~Mary Oliver

I'm sitting here at the treehouse, preparing to teach my first class in what has been my longest hiatus from my/our beloved yoga studio.

I can't help but be filled with thanks and gratitude for all the beautiful people in my life and the amazing support shown for Andy and myself.

We've received cards and flowers. Flowers that took my breath away for a few moments because they were just that glorious. We've received angel wings, journals, sparkly pens, food, phone calls, messages, daily texts, and more.

Guess what?  We even got a poem. A poem that I've printed and posted on our fridge for us to see every day. Maybe one day I'll share it here.

Sweet souls offered us with their time and energy and gifts. Healing sessions, massage, and more. And these amazing treehouse teachers (plus Erin and Lisa) who swooped in quickly, graciously, lovingly to take care of all things Barefoot Works? I adore them, love them, thank them.

And for all the friends who didn't quite know what to say. The ones who thought they would say the wrong thing. The ones who stayed away because it was all just too much.... Andy and I felt your love and we know you too were simply doing the best you could doing unbearable times.

For this and more I am eternally thankful for the beautiful people swirling around in my universe.

It's taken my mind and heart a few weeks to catch up with the beauty and bigness of all of this love. Of all of You. But little by little, day by day, I'm getting there.

Such love in the world.
Such love of the world.

If yoga is really all about union and connection.
Well, I think we've got that covered.

Thank you.


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