It's been few weeks so here goes.....
The scary stuff:
*The ice storm that left loads of us without power. And on a much bigger note....the ice storm that took lives. Even without power I found myself giving thanks for having shelter, food, and family to take me in when it got too cold.
*My dog Bella who at ten years old has been acting a little off at night when we go to bed. She was sneaking away and sleeping in the bathroom (along with other odd and random behaviors). After seeing Marley and Me,learning that dogs sneak away when they die, Andy and I have become a little paranoid. I know it's a terrible, terrible thought! I'm reading your mind!
*BIG yoga classes! This is also listed as an exciting thing. It's not that I'm scared to teach them (cause I love the big classes) but it does make me question if everyone is getting the love, care, and attention that they need and I so want to provide. The thought of having an assistant for the big classes has entered my mind and is currently being evaluated.
The exciting stuff:
*BIG yoga classes!! More exciting than scary for sure. Twenty eight people in the Saturday class. And you all are so cute. People are coming up to me and expressing how great it is to see so many new people in the classes, asking about the influx of students since the new space has opened, etc. Yes just typing about it puts a big ol' smile on my face.
*We're adopting a cause. See to the right....and vote if you haven't already. But quickly cause today is the last day. I'm excited about this, the teachers are excited, and many of you are excited A big thanks to Emily for getting the ball rolling with this one.
*We're having a party this Friday and lots of fun workshops coming up. Chair yoga, drumming with Toby Christensen, yoga with two of Shiva Rea's main assistants, Daphne & Tom (who are remarkable if I might add), the art of yoga & tea. So much to explore!
*Me and boundaries! I'm setting them. After my vulnerability hangover and which I expressed the need to rest, it's setting in. And I'm lovin' it. On a day like today when other times I'd be working, I've chosen to read in bed upon waking, clean the house (imagine that!), walk to the coffee shop and write (for fun not work), and watch 15 minutes of Days of Our Lives. Terrible I know. Also planning to take the dogs for a walk, play Scrabble with Andy, and play in my yoga room later.
*I'm going to Cincinnati this weekend for a yoga workshop with Sharon Gannon and watching Michael Franti that same night! And like me, he is a down with our new prez....
*Babies Galore! One of my best friends in Seattle in giving birth to her first babe this month and both my sister and sis-n-law are prego. Lots of little ones to go round!
*Our yoga retreat to Mexico this summer! Plane tickets are being bought...plans, topics, and themes for the week are swirling in my mind. I'm dreaming of beach meditations, mango margaritas, beach strolling, life reflecting, sea floating, laughing, and living it up.
*And I'm learning Spanish! Again. Finally.
*My friend Shelli (she has a new blog!) and I are planning a short retreat/workshop for yoga teachers, offering CEU's for those yogi's registered with Yoga Alliance. We're currently researching places to hold it and that is such fun!
*It's been warm for two days now! I know I'm not alone with being excited about this one.
The "makes my heart happy and hope-full" stuff:
*My yoga teacher trainees. I'm officially in awe and in love with each of them. We just shared our third weekend of training together and the admiration on my part continues to grow. They get it. They really get it. And I can't wait to take class from them.
*The out pouring of love during the ice storm. Sometimes it takes a miserable thing taking place to help remind us how lucky we are to have friends and family to come to the rescue.
*This weekend I got one of the biggest compliments EVER when someone told me "I have never been to another yoga studio that create community quite like Barefoot works. I've made friends, really friends here!" Yes, that made my month.
*My mom hasn't smoked for 16 days! She has smoked my entire life and this is the longest she's ever gone without a cigarette. Makes my heart happy, oh so happy.
*Being surrounded by people that inspire, support, nurture and encourage me.
That would be Andy, my family and friends.
My yoga friends near and far away.
Teachers I've had.
My fellow yoga teachers at BW....
And you.
Feel free to play along with the questions on your blog....or facebook. :-) Let me know if you do so.
Have a glorious week.
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