Wednesday, May 19, 2010

thank you

I've had quite the delight-full birthday. Greeted the day with self massage (abhyanga). A practice I brought back from the ayurveda spring cleanse at Kripalu. Followed by neti pot, shower, then 30 minute meditation. There is truly something special about starting the day in this way. Giving myself time and engaging in self care.

I got ready and took myself to one of my fave places in Lexington...Joseph Beth. I got there when they opened at 9:00. Went to the cafe and treated myself to a cappuccino and lemon poppyseed scone. I sat down at a table and pulled my Mondo Beyondo list out. It's been chilling underneath my mattress for months now. I thought today would be a great day to review it. I went through my list and was totally surprised and happy to see some of my Mondo Beyondo dreams coming true (plan to dedicate a whole post to this). I also browsed through a new book I recently purchased and thought about the theme for the free yoga classes I would be teaching.

I spent over two hours at Joseph Beth. Perfect. I went over to Whole Foods and purchased myself some aromatherapy oil to keep in my purse. I've been playing with this idea of practicing santosha (contentment) as often as I can, as often as I think about it. Truly hoping to embody this word someday (which somehow seems a little counter intuitive to the whole idea of contentment...but). I purchased a scent with the hope that every time I use and smell it it will take me to a place of contentment (perhaps another blog too). Also got some treats to share with the yogis today post class. Little baby bundt cakes and two bite brownies. Yum

Classes were really good for me. We talked about the idea of purna, which in Sanskrit is this idea of wholeness and completion. Since I'm always trying to improve myself and always striving for more, I thought my birthday would be a great day just to Be. And feel perfect, complete, and whole....just as I am. Also played a sweet cd gifted to me by Anne Dean, darling yogini she is. :) It was titled "A Yogi Birthday." Love it.

Andy gifted me with exactly what I've been wanting, a new blender. During our cleanse in which I was making 12 drinks a day, I quickly realized it was time for a new one. Can't wait to try a new green smoothie out with it.

Andy and I went for a yummy dinner to Asian Wind. I've only been here two times now. And oh my it is so very delicious. The vegetarian food is so perfect that even Andy opted for a veggie dish. Also got ice cream from Graeters. Andy and I are a bit of ice cream fanatics. This was definitely not a ayurveda eating sorta day. Back on the wagon tomorrow.

At home I took a nice long bath (with a Lush bomb) in the dark, no lights, no music, none of the extras I typically love. Just closed my eyes. breathed, and felt so very thankful for the celebration of another birthday. For being surrounded by such kind people. So much love today. Really really special.

Now off to bed early to watch "The Lovely Bones". I really have no idea what it's about. But totally looking forward to slithering into bed early and watching a movie.

Again thanks to all of you. You fill my heart with much gladness. Much more than you could know.

PS - Silly pic of my brother during our time at Kripalu.

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