Wednesday, August 15, 2007

do what you love

That's the title of the new September issue of Oprah. Many of you can probably tell that I really love to post on this topic, as I speak of this pretty regularly. I just truly feel that when we are doing what we love, we're a little (or a lot) happier and nicer, which in turn makes our kids and family happier and nicer, which in turn makes our community happier and nicer, which in turn makes the world happier and nicer, which in turn makes our Earth happier and nicer. Yes I know that it's not that simple, but I view it as throwing the stone in the water and watching the rippling effect. I think that many times we underestimate the power of individuals.

Back to the issue of Oprah (I sometimes have a tendency to ramble). I love reading about women who take a leap of faith and choose to follow their dreams. As one of the gals stated, "In the end, I had one thought that put all the others to rest: My life will be more interesting if I do this than if I don't." Isn't that great?! And what a refreshing was to view something.

The article features a 49 year old gal that went from a marketing executive to stationary store owner, an attorney to bakery co-owner, stay at home mom to adventure travel company owner, and my favorite...a publishing executive to sailor and author! If you haven't gotten the latest edition of Oprah, run out and pick it up today for some inspirational reading.

Have a beautiful day.

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